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Deal origination investment bankers are essential to the capital market industry as they assist their firms in acquiring clients and generating leads. They are also accountable for ensuring that their firm is aware of all the currently available deals and is ready to place a bid when an opportunity is available.

This is a resource-intensive and time-consuming procedure, which is why firms are outsourcing some of their deal-originating efforts to experts or set up an internal team dedicated to this task. Automated software such as SlyBroadcast can also be a valuable tool in this context. They let companies follow up with their clients by sending out non-intrusive automated voice messages (i.e. pre-recorded messages) to their contacts, informing them about potential new opportunities.

While the conventional approach to deal origination relies on a firm’s existing network of clients and its reputation within the investor community, outbound deal sourcing is a more contemporary approach that involves preparing the list of leads and directly reaching out to them. This type of deal sourcing, usually performed by specialized investment firms, is more likely to yield tangible results.

Investment bankers can’t continue to rely on outdated technologies tools, processes, and techniques. Inability to evolve can cause a loss of competitive advantage and the chance of being overrun by more agile competitors. Fortunately, modern investment banks are making the most of private company intelligence platforms and other advanced technologies to streamline data collection, increase workflows, transform data into proprietary advantages, and more.

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